How To Feed A Cat


To Feed A Cat

To Feed A Cat

Housewives sometimes rely blindly on ads, which certifies that feed contains all the food necessary for the life and health of a cat of ingredients. But it s not a secret that producers often save. Instead of dry feed meat, there s a bone flour, instead of micronutrients, conservatives, and the salts make the food taste better But it s not good for an animal…

How Often To Feed A Kitten

How Often To Feed A Kitten

Canadian Sphinx needs a lot of energy, and therefore more than most cats, the amount of food. The appetite of these cats is stunned, they re ready to eat almost everything and in unlimited quantities, totally unsupervised and imperfect. The Canadian Sphinxes are going fast, grabbing some food and wrapping it up, barely eating. On the one hand, it s a good thing…

To Feed A Cat After Sterilization

To Feed A Cat After Sterilization

This article makes recommendations for cat care after a standard operation. Our Centre offers a unique and promising methodology for cat sterilization, after which animal rehabilitation is minimized. If you have any reason to take your cat home and take care of it on your own, you will have to comply with certain recommendations. When you drive a cat to sterilization…

To Feed The Kitten

To Feed The Kitten

Since the old cartoons, a lot of people have come to think that all that respectful cat needs is milk and factory sausages. But in fact, not everything is so simple: in order to be healthy, an animal needs to be properly eaten, balanced. And especially for these babies, a little kitten may be seriously affected by an incorrect diet. Because before bringing home…