The Best Pound Of Cats
The American Association of Household Owners, Pet Products, conducted a study in 2009-10, which revealed that cats exceed dog size. The characteristic of this superiority is the ability of cats to adapt easily to life in enclosed space, that is to live in an apartment. The cat family can be the best neighbors for a man than other animals. They are relatively easy to handle loneliness if the master is active or working a lot.
When choosing a cat roommate, attention should be drawn to some characteristics:
- as a kitten moves or changes in the situation;
- what character the kitten has - buoy or calm;
- like being alone.
Be sure your way of life plays a major role in choosing a kitten. If you have a big noise family or a lot of guests, you should consider that some breeds don't carry noise and chaos, and even a small dinner with guests might be very disturbing.
In order to make it easier for you to determine which kit suits you most, I suggest a list of several species whose representatives can be good companions for you. Of course, the nature and appearance of the animal differs according to the breed, so it must be consulted directly with the factory before choosing a cat friend.
British short-short cat has a good ability to adapt. Easy with other animals, calm and good. If you want a fluffy comedian who'll turn on your knees with a strawberry, it's a pond for you.
Persian cats have a calm and luxury character that fits well in the apartment. Nevertheless, the cats of this species need to be taken care of and feel badly alone. Persian cats require constant daily care in order to avoid the formation of colts and the wooling. If you're attracted by the nature of Persian breed, but there's not enough time and time to look for exotic breed, which is a short version of Persian cats.
The Russian blue cat is distinct from its independence, but it is very luxury and easy to carry loneliness, so it fits single people who spend most of their time at work. The cats of this species are cautious to strangers, but they are tied to their own. Their teddy shoes require minimum care.