Day 343

Brush The Cat

It is important that the adult cat be properly fed with appropriate feeding and at certain intervals, but this may not be so simple - the food needs of cats vary greatly. The recommendations on the daily feeding rate for canned or dry diets are just basic values. For the health of your beloved, it is essential to regularly monitor his physical condition and adjust daily feed consumption as necessary.

Hills recommends simple procedures that will help you preserve the health of your cat:

  • Pick up your cat.
  • Start feeding it in accordance with the packing recommendations and your veterinary specialist's advice.
  • Assess the physical condition of the animal using the online scale of the body weight index, every 2 to 3 weeks during the first six months.
  • Adjust the amount of feeding your pet food according to the result.
  • Say it again.

Switch to new feed

If you decided to transfer your cat to Hill’sTM Science PlanTM Feline Adult Optimal CareTM, it should be done gradually within seven days. Mix the old diet with the new, constantly increasing the proportion of the latter until the full transition to Science Plan, and your pet will be able to fully enjoy the taste and benefits of the excellent, accurately balanced diet that provides the Science Plan Feline Adult Optimal Care.

You and your veterinary specialist.

Your veterinary specialist is the best source of information on the health and well-being of your pet. Ask him to regularly monitor the weight of your cat, as achieving and maintaining the ideal weight not only reduces the risk of certain diseases, but also provides a long, healthy and energetic life for your pet.